Subject: C-LINE: V3.2 App Launcher Author: Bright Ideas Software (DiegoAA) Uploaded By: PCA Walt Date: 5/22/1994 File: C_LINE32.ZIP (90814 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 861 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN200.DLL, & Windows 3.1 Keywords: Bright Ideas, CLINE, VB, Win, FD Type: Freely Distributed This file requires VBRUN200.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). To find it, type VBRUN on the search form that comes up when you click Software Search icon on the main menu of the Windows Forum. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL. What's new in this and recent versions: * Integrated C-LINE.EXE, CONFIG.EXE, and ABOUT.EXE into a single file. * Added AutoLoad, AutoRun and StartUpDirectory Enable Options to increase speed. * Increased the number of FunctionKey definitons to fourty-eight. * Added functionality to Status Indicator. * Aesthetic improvements to both executables and documentation. * Major performance increase (better than fifty percent). * Corrected caption centering defects in the Status Indicator, Clock, Date, and Free System Resources. * Added AutoLoad, AutoRun, FunctionKeys, Options, ABOUT.EXE, and C-LINE.HLP. * Created C-LINE.INI to preserve changes. * Added StayOnTop and FontBold options. * Added automatic variable refresh after C-LINE.INI is edited. Command Line is an application launcher, clock, resource monitor, and shell for Windows 3.1. It provides a LaunchBox for executing applications. Windows and DOS applications may be executed, with any combination of switches, arguments, and document files. The LaunchBox supports Command Line Aliases, which are macros that the user defines in order to reduce the number of keystrokes required to run an application. Up to 50 aliases may be defined. Command Line FunctionKeys allow a user to define up to 48 applications which use the F1-F12 keys as hotkeys, and can execute applications with a single keystroke or key combination. Command Line AutoLoad and AutoRun enable Command Line to act as the Windows shell. Up to 10 applications may be defined to load simultaneously whenever Command Line is booted. Documentation: README.TXT and Online Help Downloads from previous version: 227